International Headquarters
Grand Lodge Ancient Universal Mysteries
45 West 21st St. STE 3D
New York, NY 10010
Applications for Membership or Affiliation
Please consult the Membership section under Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) prior to contacting us with questions about membership or affiliation. We have endeavoured to address the most commonly asked questions on this subject there. Then, if you wish to continue, address your petition etc. to the appropriate email address:
USA and all countries not listed below: [email protected]
United Kingdom: [email protected]
Australia: [email protected]
New Zealand: [email protected]
Bolivia: [email protected]
Petitions to Open New AUM Lodges
Please consult the sections under FAQs as well as articles on our website prior to contacting us about this. The requirements for AUM membership are therein addressed. The requirements for opening new AUM Lodges entail a lengthy learning curve. Address all such inquiries to:
General Inquiries
For further information not covered on this website or in the FAQ section herein, please send questions to:
Please be specific and not general in your requests, for instance, do not ask us for “further information” and leave it there, but please make your request or observations pertain to a specific Masonic topic.